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OTCnet Release 4.8 Overview

The U.S. Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service) Over the Counter Division (OTCD) is updating the Over-the-Counter Channel Application (OTCnet) to Release 4.8 in February 2024, which introduces the following updates:

System Updates

  • Support the M440 Card Terminal: OTCnet Online and the Kiosk Tablet will support the Verifone M440 card terminal for card processing.
  • Offline support for RDM EC9600/EC9700 scanners: With Release 4.8, users will be able to use the RDM EC9600/9700 scanners offline via USB connection. The Offline About Page will display the supported scanners.
  • Upgrade to the OTCnet Local Bridge (OLB): With Release 4.8, the OLB will be upgraded to version and will require Java v8, v11, v17, or v21. Users are urged to upgrade as soon as possible, but users who utilize Verifone M440 or Verifone MX925 card terminals will need to upgrade to continue using these card terminals.
  • Address Functional Defects: Address four defects, impacting reporting, accessibility, and user provisioning.
  • Batch Error Details: In Release 4.8, the team will include additional batch error details for duplicate IRN and duplicate batch in the getBatchStatus XML response that will be returned to the POS agencies.
  • Online eUDS Replacement: Online server calls to eUDS will be replaced with server calls to the Online User database tables due to the decommission of eUDS.
  • User Provisioning Updates: Addresses internal and agency requests that will improve the user’s experiences utilizing OTCnet’s User Management Module.
  • Address Security Findings: The team will resolve vulnerabilities found by implementing the necessary resolution strategies and upgrades to the application, webservices, and codebase.
  • Online Help Files Update: The team will update and integrate online help files for the current online version of OTCnet.
  • Integrate User by Access Group Security Reports with OTCnet’s User Management Module: The team will update the User by Access Group FI/FPA security reports to query user data in the OTCnet database instead of LDAP.

Last modified 02/09/24