Max Ranges for Dollar Amounts in SPS
Schedule Type | Max $ Amount on a SINGLE TAS/BETC |
Max $ Amount on a SINGLE Payment |
Max Payment count on a Schedule |
Max $ Amount on a SINGLE Schedule |
Summary ACH/Check (Type B) | $99,999,999.99 | $99,999,999.99 | 99,999,999 | $9,999,999,999,999.99 |
Same Day ACH (Type B) | $1,000,000.00 | $1,000,000.00 | 99,999,999 | $9,999,999,999,999.99 |
Same Day ACH (Type A) | $1,000,000.00 | $1,000,000.00 | 60 | $60,000,000.00 |
ACH/Check (Type A) | $99,999,999.99 | $99,999,999.99 | 60 | $5,999,999,999.40 |
Same Day Pay (WIRE) | $9,999,999,999.99 | $9,999,999,999.99 | 60 | $599,999,999,999.40 |
Instant (FedNow) | $500,000.00 | $500,000.00 | 60 | $30,000,000.00 |
One payment cannot be more than 10 digits. Each ACH Type A or Type B payment can be up to 10 digits (99,999,999.99).
For single payments $100M or over, agencies will generate two payments. The same invoice number may be used in the addenda.
Agencies may want to contact the vendor to tell them that the payment will be in two payments so that they can match the invoice numbers to the two payments.
SPS Large Dollar Notification Warning
If a schedule contains at least one payment of fifty million dollars or more, Certifying Officers will get a ‘SPS Large Dollar Notification Warning’.
- The schedule you are certifying meets the threshold in the Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Volume 1, Part 6, Chapter 8500 requiring a “Large Dollar Notification (LDN)” to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Cash Reporting Branch. The notification rules are:
- $50 - $500 million (minimum 2 business days advanced notice)
- Over $500 million (minimum 5 business days advanced notice)
- A reasonable estimate is acceptable if the exact amount of the schedule is unknown in the TFM guidelines. By selecting ‘OK’, you are agreeing that you provided proper notification under this policy.
- Notification should be sent to Cash.Reporting@Fiscal.Treasury.Gov and should include.
- Settlement Date
- Amount
- Payment Mechanism
- Contact Name/Number
Please be aware that the Cash Reporting Branch is not authorizing this transaction but gathers LDN information for the Office of Fiscal Projections to aid in forecasting analysis that impact future financing decisions.
More information on Cash Forecasting Requirements and becoming a CASH TRACK user can be found here: https://tfx.treasury.gov/disbursing/payment-reporting/cash-forecasting-reporting.