Data Entry Operator Tips
The Data Entry Operator (DEO) Manual contains a full guide to using SPS. Active DEO's can access the manual from the Home page and other screens. Open the manual by clicking on the icon showing a blue circle with a white question mark .
Options for Creating a Certification
There are three options for creating a schedule for certification: Prepopulating, Importing Files, and Manual.
- How to use the Prepopulate a Summary Schedule
The “Prepopulate Summary Schedule” feature provides the ability to prepopulate summary schedule data from the Payment Automation Manager (PAM) agency notification report. This helps save time and decrease the risk of manual data entry errors. Refer to the DEO Manual for step-by-step instructions. - Importing Files
To use this feature, the file you are importing must be in the Schedule Upload 440 File Format.
Payment schedules from other formats such as spreadsheets or databases cannot be imported.
To get the Schedule Upload 440 File Format, e-mail FS.AgencyOutreach@fiscal.treasury.gov - Manual
Payments may be entered directly into SPS using the keyboard.
If a Schedule Shows “Failed Read”
Common causes of a failed read are an invalid Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)/Business Event Type Code (BETC) or an invalid Date of Pay. You can click on the “Save to File” button to get more information about the error.
Change Schedules to an Editable State
DEO’s can change a schedule from ‘Submitted to CO’ to an ‘Editable’ state from the DEO main screen. A schedule may also be deleted from the ‘Editable’ state.
Create a Favorite TAS/BETCs List
DEO’s can create a favorite TAS/BETC List from the main screen. The TAS/BETC list allows DEO’s to create a list of frequently used TAS/BETCs for a Federal Program Agency Identification (FPA ID). Refer to the DEO Manual for step-by-step instructions.
Create an Agency Billing Address
A DEO can create an agency billing address from the DEO main screen. The address of your Federal Program Agency ALC is entered here. A billing address should be created for each ALC. Refer to the DEO Manual for step-by-step instructions.
When to use Standard Entry Class (SEC) Codes
SEC codes are only available for Automated Clearing House (ACH) and ACH Prenote payment. There are three SEC options to choose from: Prearranged Payment and Deposit Entry (PPD), Cash Concentration or Disbursement (CCD), and International ACH Transaction (IAT).