Automated Clearing House
The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is the primary system that agencies use for electronic funds transfer (EFT). With ACH, funds are electronically deposited in financial institutions, and payments are made online.

ACH Regulations (31 CFR Part 210)
These regulations define the rights and liabilities of everyone involved with ACH. They cover ACH credit entries, debit entries, and data that agencies send or receive through ACH.
The ACH Operating Circular
(with its appendices and schedules for time and fees) governs how Federal Reserve Banks, banks sending money, and banks receiving money clear and settle commercial ACH credits and debits.
Appendix D governs ACH for federal agencies.

Financial institutions that participate in ACH follow operating rules developed by Nacha, formerly known as NACHA – the Electronic Payments Association (Nacha), to transfer funds electronically. Nacha is not a government agency. Nacha charges a fee for a copy of its rules.
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