Treasury :: Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Enterprise Data Architecture
Transmission Data Exchange

Data Exchange Catalogue
FinancialReportingDetail [0..1]
OriginalSummaryReference [0..1]
FiscalDateDetail [0..1]
TreasurySecuritiesAccountableDetail [0..1]
TreasurySecuritiesInputDetail [0..1]
ForeignCurrency [0..1]
PayerAccountType [0..1]
AccountableDetail [0..1]

Element Information
DefinitionContains debit voucher or credit voucher details.
Attribute Information
Attribute NameUseDataTypeDefinition
BankTextoptional String [0, 400]The text supplied by the financial institution, in addition to the agency supplied text.
AgencyCommentTextoptional String [0, 400]Contains agency processing comments, such as comments associated with voucher information.
FundsAvailableDateoptional YYYY-MM-DDIndicates the date the deposited funds can be immediately disbursed or otherwise withdrawn.
ReceiptsFromDateoptional YYYY-MM-DDIdentifies the starting date for the collections received and summarized within the transaction.
ReceiptsToDateoptional YYYY-MM-DDIdentifies the ending date for the collections received and summarized within the transaction.
Technical Information
Schema versionurn:us:gov:treasury
Content ModelThe <FinancialReportingDetail> element contains 7 children elements and has a sequence content model. The sequence content model means that there is a particular order to the children elements of the parent element - in this case, the <FinancialReportingDetail> element has a particular order of elements that must be followed.

For help, please contact the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service Data Registry team.
Last Updated: 2015-01-17T06:09:53.339-05:00

This web site is informative only and may contain publishing errors/inconsistencies - please carefully review the appropriate XML Schema documents in the Download section.