Treasury :: Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Enterprise Data Architecture
Transmission Data Exchange

Data Exchange Catalogue
Transmission [1..1]
Batch [1..unbounded]
Summary [1..unbounded]
Schedule [1..1]

Element Information
DefinitionA collection of financial transaction records for the purpose of creating or updating detail or summary information.
Attribute Information
Attribute NameUseDataTypeDefinition
IDrequired String [0, 80]An identifier for the record. For a receiving system, this value can be used to reconcile updates to an existing record and qualify new records. For a sending system, this value can be used to reconcile acknowledgements for the submitted records.
TransmissionTimestamprequiredYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS or may end in 'Z' to reflect UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)Indicates the date and time of a transmission.
BusinessTransmissionCategoryrequiredCollections [Collections], DebtCollection [Debt Collection], Payments [Payments], Intragovernmental [Intragovernmental], Borrowings [Securities], Investments [Investments], Miscellaneous [Miscellaneous]The business line that processed the transaction.
InputSystemoptional String [0, 40]Identifies the sending trading partner.
SequenceNumberoptional [0-9]{4}|0[0-9]{3}|00[0-9]{2}|000[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*Provides a sequential order of items.
IsEndOfDayoptional 1|0Indicates if this transmission is the last transmission for the day.
TotalAmountoptionalDecimal [20, 2]Min Inclusive: 0.00Indicates the total absolute dollar amount of items.
TotalCountoptional0,1,2,..nIndicates the total number of items.
RunningDailyCountoptional0,1,2,..nA running total count for a given day. (A day is determined from the end of day indicator of the prior day to the current end of day.)
RunningDailyAmountoptionalDecimal [20, 2]Min Inclusive: 0.00A cumulative absolute amount, including the items within a transmission, within a given day. (A day is determined from the end of day indicator of the prior day to the current end of day.)
VersionIdentifierrequired String [0, 80]Indicates an identifier assigned to a version for this transmission.
Technical Information
Schema versionurn:us:gov:treasury
Content ModelThe <Transmission> element contains 3 children elements and has a choice content model. The choice content model means that there is a exclusive-or relationship between the children elements of the <Transmission> element. In this particular case, the <Transmission> element may or may not have children appear in the XML instance document, but if it does have children appear in the XML instance document then it must be only one of its children for each content iteration (because this content model can repeat unbounded).

For help, please contact the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service Data Registry team.
Last Updated: 2015-01-17T06:09:53.339-05:00

This web site is informative only and may contain publishing errors/inconsistencies - please carefully review the appropriate XML Schema documents in the Download section.