Treasury :: Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Enterprise Data Architecture
Transmission Data Exchange

Data Exchange Catalogue
Agency [0..1]
OrganizationLevels [0..1]
CashFlowReference [0..1]
Address [0..1]

Element Information
DefinitionIdentifies a federal program agency and sub units within.
Attribute Information
Attribute NameUseDataTypeDefinition
AgencyNameoptional String [0, 80]Name of the agency.
AgencyIdentifieroptional [0-9]{3}Identifies a major department or independent agency of the Federal government. Within the Treasury Account Symbol, this is used in conjunction with the main account code. The Agency Identifier represents the department, agency or establishment of the U.S. Government that is responsible for the Treasury Account Symbol.
DepartmentRegularCodeoptional [0-9]{2}This is Treasury's legacy 2-digit code that identifies a major department or independent agency of the Federal government. Within the Treasury Account Symbol, this is used in conjunction with the main account code, the Agency Code represents the department, agency or establishment of the U.S. Government that is responsible for the Treasury Account Symbol. This attribute will be replaced by AgencyIdentifier.
BureauNameoptional String [0, 100]The name of the Bureau.
LegislativeBureauCodeoptional [0-9]{2,3}The Treasury code that identifies a major sub-organization of the agency, sometimes called an administration, service, or agency. (Not all agencies have bureaus.)
BudgetBureauCodeoptional [0-9]{2,3}The Office of Management and Budget code that identifies a major sub-organization of the agency, sometimes called an administration, service, or agency. (Not all agencies have bureaus.)
LegacyBureauCodeoptional [0-9]{2,3}This is the Treasury's legacy code that identifies an organizational level of the Federal government falling under an agency, to which agency locations may be assigned. This will be replaced by Legislative Bureau Code
AgencyLocationCodeoptional [0-9]{8}Identifies the accounting office within an agency that reports disbursements and collections to Treasury.
OfficeLocationCodeoptional String [0, 40]A code that identifies an agency location more specifically than an Agency Location Code.
BudgetAgencyCodeoptional [0-9A-Za-z]{3}Identifies a department, agency or establishment of the U.S. Government that is responsible for the budget account.
BudgetMainAccountCodeoptional [0-9A-Za-z]{4}Generally covers an organized set of activities, programs, or services directed toward a common purpose or goal.  Used in conjunction with the Agency Identifier and the Budget Bureau code, uniquely represents a budget account, which is an administrative or functional subdivision of an agency and sometimes a budget bureau.
Technical Information
Schema versionurn:us:gov:treasury
Content ModelThe <Agency> element contains 3 children elements and has a sequence content model. The sequence content model means that there is a particular order to the children elements of the parent element - in this case, the <Agency> element has a particular order of elements that must be followed.

For help, please contact the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service Data Registry team.
Last Updated: 2015-01-17T06:09:53.339-05:00

This web site is informative only and may contain publishing errors/inconsistencies - please carefully review the appropriate XML Schema documents in the Download section.